What are the advantages of frozen seafood over fresh?

Consumers should base their seafood purchases on quality. Frozen seafood can be superior in quality to fresh products at the wet markets. Frozen seafood are freezed within hours of harvest. It might take several days for the same seafood to make it to your seafood dealer at the wet market.

Frozen seafoods are less prone to deterioration because of the shorter time between harvesting and freezing, in contrast with "fresh" seafood sold at wet markets.


3.5 hours

Pond to factory

1 day

Pond to market

PEOPLE Farmer -> Broker ->
Factory -> Exporter
Farmer -> Broker ->
Wholesaler -> Retailer ->
Sub-retailer -> Consumer

What are the nutrients from seafoods?



Seafood offers large quantities of protein and significant amounts of vitamins and minerals without high levels of saturated fats and calories.


Seafood is an excellent source of complete protein, providing all the essential amino acids. The protein in seafood is easily digestible, making it a perfect nutrition source for people of all ages.


Seafood is a good source of B vitamins and provides such key minerals and trace elements as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, florine, selenium, copper, zinc and iodine. All these elements are necessary for proper development and growth.


Seafood contains a very small amount of fat. Most varieties of fish and shellfish contain less than 5 percent fat. Even high-fat fish generally have less than 15 percent fat, which is considerably lower than red meat. Seafood is also lower in saturated fat than most other protein sources. By substituting fish meals for some meat meals, you can considerably lower your total fat and saturated fat intake. Seafood is generally low in sodium.


Cholesterol levels are not significant in most seafood products. Finfish are generally quite low in cholesterol, with shellfish having low to moderate amounts. Even species with higher cholesterol levels, such as squid, contain less cholesterol than eggs, and are well within the 300 mg daily limit recommended by leading health organizations.

What are the benefits of a seafood rich diet?

  • It reduces the risk of heart disease
  • It may prolong life after a heart attack
  • It lowers blood triglycerides (fats)
  • It may improve heart function and reduce damage from heart disease
  • It can lower blood pressure
  • It may improve symptoms of inflammatory diseases arthritis and psoriasis

Why is Omega-3 fat good for us?

Although fish and shellfish are generally low in fat, the small amount of fat they do contain is beneficial. Found almost exclusively in seafood, Omega-3 fatty acids present in fish may play a protective role against heart disease. Omega-3's help keep arteries open by discouraging the build-up of plaque in blood vessels, studies are showing. Preliminary research indicates that Omega-3's can prevent platelets -- cell fragments that help blood to clot -- from sticking together. The result: reduced chance for heart attack or stroke due to blockage in an artery. Omega-3's also are linked to anti-inflammatory effects; early studies indicate that reduced inflamation is more dramatic in the elderly than in younger individuals.

Oilier fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines, contain higher amounts of this "quality fat," but even the lowest-fat fish contain small amounts of these healthy oils.

A medically-supervised study among people who had suffered a heart attack revealed that those who ate about 10 ounces of fat-rich fish per week lived longer than those who did not. Earlier studies have indicated that eating fish two or three times a week and maintaining a low-fat diet extends life.

How can one know whether the seafood is fresh or of good quality when selecting?

Follow these guidelines when buying seafood, whether it's whole, processed, or frozen. Always purchase seafood from establishments that maintain these high quality standards.
  • Appearance is bright and shiny.
  • Scales are bright, most of them intact and adhering closely to the skin.
  • Eyes are bright, clear, and full and often protrude.
  • Gills are red - and indicatory that oxygen is present and the fish is very fresh. Gill color fades with time to light pink, then gray, and finally to greenish or dull brown.
  • Fish odor is fresh and mild, not "fishy".
  • The flesh is firm and elastic, not separating from the bones.
  • Odor is fresh and mild.
  • Flesh is moist, firm, and elastic and has a fresh-cut appearance without traces of browning or drying around the edges.
  • Pre-packaged steaks and fillets are in tightly wrapped packages, with little or no air space between fish and wrapping material and no liquid in the package.
  • Flesh is solid and there is no discoloration or freezer burn on the surface. - Odor is fresh and mild, not "fishy".
  • Wrapping material is moisture and vapor proof, fits closely around the product, and is undamaged.
  • Package does not contain ice crystals, or have water stains or other indicators that the product may have been previously thawed.
  • Packaged frozen seafood may have an expiration date stamped on the label - always use the seafood before the expiration date.

How can one know whether the seafood is fresh or of good quality when selecting?

1 pound(lb) = 0.4536 kilogram(kg) = 16 ounces(oz.)
1 kilogram(kg)= 1,000 grams(g)= 2.2046 pounds(lbs.